Feb 7, 2008

Beginning C# Objects: From Concepts to Code

Feb 7, 2008

Learning to design objects effectively with C# is the goal of
Beginning C# Objects: From Concepts to Code - a comprehensive yet approachable guide to object oriented programming using UML and today's hottest programming language, which is C#.

This book is a guide for anyone wanting to learn the C# language, beginning with the basics. It offers example case studies for those already familiar with C# that may prove useful. Presents object terminology and concepts, how to think in terms of objects, an introduction of object modeling, translating an object model into C#, and more. This book is written with programmers and also programming tutorials in mind, and is a natural candidate for academic selection for the teaching of C# and principled object-oriented programming.

Time and again, software developers have attempted to master an OO programming language like Java by taking a course in Java, or by reading a book in Java, or by acquiring and using a Java integrated development environment (IDE) tool such as Forte, or Visual Café, or JBuilder, or Power J, or Kawa. However, there is something fundamentally missing: a basic understanding of what objects are all about, and more importantly, knowledge of how to structure a software application from the ground up to make the most of objects.
