"If you take a look at the history of OS design by each company, it's pretty clear why this is so. Microsoft has historically made an unreliable, ugly, and highly insecure operating system based on its own spaghetti/Swiss cheese code. This is no secret to anyone who has followed the industry or even used Windows on a daily basis. If you are a Windows users you MUST have spyware/virus/malware prevention software or, sooner or later, your machine is going to get nailed," Lynch writes.
"It isn't Microsoft bashing to say any of this, it's just the truth for Windows users each day of their computing lives," Lynch writes. "Apple, on the other hand, decided long ago to ditch their old operating system and build one that was Unix based. Why did this matter? Well as people have begun to notice, thanks to its Unix roots, Mac OS X is a hell of a lot more stable and secure than any version of Windows ever released. Apple didn't make this choice by chance, they thought it through and knew exactly what they were doing and why."
Lynch writes, "Mac users simply don't live in the same inherently insecure and fearful universe that Microsoft, through its stupidity and bad programming, has inflicted on Windows users. The difference is night and day, and anyone who has ever switched from Windows over to Mac OS X (or Linux for that matter) knows how liberating it is once you realize that are free and safe from debilitating viruses, spyware, and malware that plague the Windows operating system."
Lynch writes, "Microsoft is stupid and will never get security right, Apple already has... Smart computer users are abandoning Microsoft in droves and embracing Mac OS X and/or Linux."
"And, thanks to Apple's skill at elegant design, Mac OS X is also much easier on the eyes and far more intuitive than Windows 2000, XP, or even the deeply flawed Windows Vista (which was supposed to be Microsoft's best shot at catching up to Mac OS X). All Microsoft had to do, in terms of design, was to copy Mac OS X, but they couldn't even do that right. So they ended up with an ugly imitation of Mac OS X Tiger and then promptly fell even further behind after Apple released Mac OS X Leopard," Lynch writes. "Instead of the simple elegance of Mac OS X, Vista looks like a Frankenstein OS...bolted together and looking more and more like a stumbling, walking corpse of an operating system... [It's] a second-rate clone of Mac OS X..."
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