Hyperseek Search Engine
The benefits of hosting your industry's portal
"Success is not a state to arrive at, but rather, a manner of traveling."
* Asserting Industy Leadership
As the maintainer of your Industry's Portal, you attain almost instant "guru" status. While that may look and sound a little "nerdy or geeky" to you at first glance, think about what it means in a more global sense. By taking on the leadership role, you have the opportunity to provide A LOT of information to a very targeted audience (potential customers). By informing potential customers, you have a better chance of converting them later on. Also, as your portal is industry wide in scope, you will have to link to, and maybe even editorialize your competitors (yes, link to them). Open your mind. It takes a very secure company to do that, and consumers recognize and respect that. The credibility your company gains from this endeavor is priceless in terms of marketing and image power. In and of itself, this will raise the bar for your company in the eyes of your visitors, again, priceless marketing.
* Integrated Revenue Production
Hyperseek includes many built-in means of generating income on its own. As a large percentage of what Hyperseek does has to do with linking and searching, much emphasis is placed on your ability to manipulate the listings within your categories. There are built in facilities for you to force display order, or link display format, depending on how much (or little) the companies you list in your directory are willing to pay you on a recurring basis. Additionally, there is a content sensitive banner advertising system included so that you can not only serve ads, but serve targeted ads, which garner a much higher premium. Along with the listings, you have editorial control over the page content. While much of this will be used for pure information, this editorial "space" can also be rented or sold to category experts. As Hyperseek will easily integrate with other Software, you have the option to add other revenue producing systems, such as community discussion forums, surveys, calendars, etc.
* Built in Marketing for your own products and services
As we've talked about throughout these discussions of Hyperseek, the inherent benefits to your principle business should be quite obvious. Your industry's portal, sponsored by your company, and branded with your company logo and link, will outperform all of your other marketing ventures combined, dollar for dollar. As the Portal does incur an inital cost for your company, as time goes on, and the portal starts to pick up momentum, it will quickly generate sufficient revenue on its own to at least pay for itself, and possibly show a profit. All the while, your company name/logo/editorials/links are out there, on the most popular website in your industry, at no direct cost to you. Free publicity, branding, and 24x7 marketing is the principle benefit to operating the industry portal.